Think Outside

School Programs (K-12)

Proven Educational Excellence

A nationally recognized leader and California’s leading provider, The Outdoor Adventures by Boojum for Experiential Education has provided over 85,000 children and young adults outdoor education experiences since 1975. With a highly skilled staff and a commitment to safety, The Institute is one of only fourteen wilderness/adventure organizations in the nation to be accredited by the international Association for Experiential Education (AEE). We provide custom designed experiences designed to meet your educational goals.

The Boojum Experience

The Institute provides participants with exciting and challenging experiential educational programs that successfully complement and support curricular and team goals. A participant who has experienced a Boojum program returns to the classroom, family or workplace with a stronger feeling of self-confidence in his or her problem-solving capabilities. The Boojum Experience fosters a “can do” attitude providing individuals with opportunities for self-discovery, confidence building, and the improvement of interpersonal skills through trust and team-building activities. The Boojum Experience strengthens leadership, confidence, trust, listening and observation skills.

Building Life Skills

Programs provide opportunities for self-discovery, confidence-building and improvement of interpersonal skills by making students mindful of concepts such as leadership, confidence, trust, listening, observation skills and perceived limitations.

Developing the Mind, Body and Spirit

Our approach is to reach out to the whole student – – mind, body and spirit. What better classrooms exist for helping to reach this goal than great rivers, expansive deserts, endless woodlands, remote beaches and mountain peaks? Many participants report that their Boojum programs were not just rewarding and memorable experiences, but life changing events.

Fostering Environmental Stewardship

Introducing students to the natural world in a way that inspires a meaningful connection with the wilderness is necessary if we are to nurture a generation of environmental stewards. Boojum programs encourage an understanding and appreciation of ecology and natural history, teach outdoor skills and provide participants with an enjoyable and memorable experience.

CA State Education Standards

Nationally accredited by the Association of Experiential Education (AEE), we make it a priority that our programs align with the State education standards so that we can support your curriculum goals. California recently adopted a K-12 environmental education curriculum as part of its Education and the Environment Initiative – the nation’s first. Having focused our 35 year history on developing student environmental literacy, education and stewardship, Boojum’s programs are aligned to accomplish these newly adopted curriculum standards.


Programs are priced for as little as $50 per student for a half day program to $495 per student for a five day expedition-based program. Tuition depends on location, number of students and activity components. Please contact us for additional information and details.

Science Emphasis

Our science focused programs are designed to meet California State education standards including the newly adopted Education and the Environment Initiative curriculum. Experientially engaging each student, we encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills challenging learners to grow into active citizens and conscious stewards of the land that nourishes us all. Boojum’s staff team will work closely with you to determine specific goals for the program and to create a course that complements your mission, academic curriculum and goals for student development.

Outdoor Adventures by Boojum believes that by helping people to explore a new, outdoor environment, it awakens the senses, creates a heightened awareness of one’s surroundings and provides an ideal opportunity for learning. Boojum instructors use activities, games, and inquiry-based learning methods to teach science concepts including eco-experiments, each-one teach-one, professor hikes, journaling activities and town hall debates to bring science alive.

Boojum Program Proposal Request

Boojum offers science education programs that can address a multitude of topics including:

  • Natural History
  • Environmental Science
  • Astronomy
  • Marine Science
  • Biology
  • Geology
  • Land Use
  • Native American Culture
  • Honey Bees and World Health
  • Natural Resource Conservation
  • Food Chains and the Web-of-Life
  • The Watershed
  • Water Conservation
  • Smart Energy Choices
  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • Sustainable Living
  • Animal Habitats
  • Animal/Plant Adaptations
  • Leadership and Team Emphasis

Although all of Boojum’s programs help foster leadership and group development, you can choose this to be your emphasis area. Instructors use games, puzzles and creative problem-solving activities to enhance group development, leadership and personal growth. Our programs assist in individual and group development, with a particular focus on commitment, involvement, leadership, self-confidence, support and ownership of actions – all of which are vital elements of an effective team.

Allan ZabeckiSchool Programs (K-12)